In the Beginning
Steve: It was the class year of 1998-99, and I was a senior at Hugh Manley High School. I was stuck using the computer lab after school to complete an assignment for my senior project. I just so happened to be roaming the halls and walking into the auditorium and said to myself, "What's going on in here?"
Charish: I was inside the auditorium for my dance rehearsal for a performing arts apprenticeship. Steve walked in, sat in the middle row, and watched me the entire time. This wasn't our first encounter; we had seen each other a few times in the hallway while attending class.
Steve: I was in awe to see her in her element because I had never seen someone coming from where we came from have this in her. She was different, to say the least, and different in my eyes is what kept me on the edge of my seat. I stayed that day and attended every rehearsal after. I even showed up at the theatre for her final performance.
Charish: CLEARLY, he was up to something (with his slick a$$) and had an agenda. But by this time, he had my heart.
Steve: I did have an agenda/motive, and thinking back to that time, I knew and felt the moment we started to engage with one another that she was special (something was different).
Plot Twist……. LIFE happened
They say, “If you want to make GOD laugh, tell HIM about your plans.” In life, timing is everything, and we were under the assumption the plans we had in our teenage years and what GOD had aligned, but they didn’t. We grew apart in many ways but remained together as friends.
The Perfect Present…
Steve: God is a God of second chances, and I’m thankful for my second chance to do life with Charish. When you have something good, you better hold on to it tight. In life, you seldom meet genuine people who have your best interest at heart. I found mine, she is SOLID, and she is my ROCK. She is not a member. She is the team, giving me balance. We are still growing and getting to know each other daily. So, what you are witnessing is two imperfect people becoming one.
Charish: I FOUND MY PERSON. My souley. Steve continues to create a safe place for me to feel, love, and grow without judgment. He is my best friend, protector, and sanctuary. This love has been quite the journey, but I couldn't imagine doing life with anyone else.